Friday 9 February 2018

IIMK interview experience

IIMK interview experience

Venue: The Monarch Luxor,Infantry Road, Bangalore
Date and Time : 08 Feb 2018, 1:00 PM

CAT17 Score : 99.75 (Sectionals 98.6+)
Class 10 = 91.xx
Class 12 = 86.xx
Engineering : 82.xx
Workex : 18 completed months as Software Engineer

GD and WAT Topic : Controversy is the new way to market a movie.
WAT was for 15 mins with no word limit but we were supposed to finish it on one side of A4 sized sheet.
GD was for 15 mins,was peaceful, all people spoke well. It started immediately after WAT with no breaks. They collected the WAT sheets before GD though.

WAT prep : 2/5
WAT performance : 0/5 (It was pathetic)

GD Prep : 0/4
GD performance : 4/5

Interview : 2 panelists. Both 40+

Q1 : Introduce yourself.

Q2 : I have not heard about your Engineering college. Tell me about it.

Q3 : Tell me the steps to open an engineering college.

Q4 : Where do you work? Explain the final product on which you work and what does it exactly do without technical jargons.

Q5: Is your current job your first ever? (It is.) Follow up question : Was it an on-campus offer?

Q6; Suppose I am an end user of your company's product. Tell me what do you contribute to my experience.

Q7: Tell me the revenue of your company and your department.How many people work there? Also share the financial details of the companies your organization has acquired in the past 5 years.

Q8 : Triple bottom line accounting
Could not answer.

Q9: Why did you chose CSE? (CSE is not the flagship branch of my UG college)
Answered (Poor AIEEE rank)

Q10: Tell me what do you know about IIMK.

Q11: Tell me about placement statistics of CSE from your college.

Q12 : What sort of news do you follow.
Answered : I told them that I glance through the newspaper in office cafeteria while having my breakfast.

Q13 : Do you get free food in office? Tell the different cuisines and food options available in your office.

Q14 : Name a few friends from IIMK (alumni and current students). What do they tell you about IIMK?

Q15: What are your other calls?  Compare IIMC,IIMS and IIMK. (I had only these 3 calls apart from CAP)

Q16 : Would you chose IIMK over IIMC if you convert both?

Q17: Have you heard about some recent case of Shell?
Could not answer.

Q18: Where are you from?
Answered : They had never heard of my hometown but were aware of two adjacent big cities. They could,then identify my city.

Total duration : Just shy of 20 minutes.
Interview Prep  :2/5
Interview performance : 3/5

Verdict : Initial WL - 39 (General), converted in 2nd list.


  1. It would have been great if you could answer the questions along with what went right and what went wrong, instead of writing answered.

    1. Hi
      Most of the answers contain minute details about my college and job.
      Anyways, Thanks for your response. I shall edit the post and share my compact answers soon.

  2. Could you write in italic your thought process after every question.
    It will also assist you in lateral thinking.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Drashti.
      I would try to incorporate the same as soon as possible.

  3. Bhai Mayur, nice one. Answers bhi bata diye hote yaar.

    1. Hi
      Most of the answers contain minute details about my college and job.
      Anyways, Thanks for your response. I shall edit the post and share my compact answers soon.


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